The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Apologetics?

Do you ever get into a conversation with someone about Christianity and feel like you don’t know how to respond. Now there are a few iPhone apps you can use to respond to non-believers. Think of it as an interactive apologetics handbook–almost as great as having Josh McDowell in your pocket!

Here’s a sample of how it looks from the app: Fast Facts, Challenges & Tactics by Lifeway Christian Resources. This one was edited by Sean McDowell, so the content is probably trustworthy.

It probably won’t surprise you, given the popularity of Dawkins and the New Atheism, that there are also several anti-apologetic apps as well. Obviously there is some merit in this, but I’m not sure if a tool like this would be worth paying a dollar or two for an app that will probably remain a novelty.

Do you think you could find a use for an app like this?

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